Traveling in Hornstrandir

Hornstrandir Nature Reserve attracts many traveling nature lovers each year and you can choose between traveling in a guided group or doing an independent hike. If you decide to travel on your own, without a guide, you need to understand it is done on your own responsibility. The infrastructure of the area is close to none existing and before the travel starts you need to check the weather and hiking conditions very well. You are responsible for getting all the pieces of information you need and to have good enough gear to handle all weather conditions known in the area. If you need to change your plans in the middle of your hike it can be dangerous, costly, and difficult.  If you're planning on hiking in the Hornstrandir area for a long period of time and more importantly on your own, we strongly recommend you go to and submit your travel plan(s).  

Here is a video we kindly ask you to watch:


How to get to Hornstrandir

We arrange boat tickets to and from Hornstrandir for independent trekkers. It's possible to get there with a regularly scheduled boat from the end of May to the mid of September, but we usually suggest the period from mid-June to mid-August.

Sjóferðir ferry scheduleBorea ferry schedule


OFFICIAL Rules when traveling in Hornstrandir nature reserve


  • Do not leave anything behind after your visit. This means that all rubbish must be carried back. Don‘t build cairns, rearrange stones or disturb the landscape in any way. Leave the area in the same condition as it was upon arrival. Do not remove stones, bones, driftwood, or anything else you might encounter. 
  • Use footpaths whenever possible. If it proves necessary to leave the footpath, watch where you step and try to protect the vegetation. Only use walking poles where necessary.
  • There are limits to the size of tour groups. The maximum is 30 on the western side and 15 on the eastern side.
  • Only pitch tents in designated campgrounds. All campgrounds have toilets/privies nearby. Due to vegetation protection, camping is only permitted on designated campgrounds for one week at a time. After that, the tent must be moved or removed. 
  • Guests within the area are encouraged to use privies/toilets in the area whenever possible. Hygiene products should not be left out in the open.
  • Handle stoves and other cooking equipment. Campfires are banned within the nature preserve.
  • Do not disturb birds or animals unnecessarily. If you find yourself near a bird's nest or animal habitat, keep noise to a minimum.
  • Respect the fox. Stay at least 40 meters away from foxholes and try not to linger more than 20 minutes by a foxhole. If one needs to pass by a foxhole, it must be done quickly and as silently as possible and not stop until 40 meters away. Avoid getting in between the vixen and her cubs. Do not feed the foxes. 
  • Respect the privacy of homeowners in the area. Keep away from their homes. Do not peek at the windows and do not enter homes uninvited. 
  • Dogs are not allowed in the area, except that land- and homeowners are allowed to bring their dogs. Dogs must always be kept on a leash.
  • Bicycling is not allowed in the nature preserve. 
  • Drones are forbidden, unless with a permit from the Environment Agency.